Godoš Hermitage
Godoš Hermitage is best to access by foot when following the blue marks from the dam of the lake. Along the way, it is recommended to reach the rocky outcrop called Čertovo kopyto (Devil’s Hoof) which still offers a view of Lake Lipno.
The story told about the hermitage is roughly as follows: The hill of Uhlířský vrch (Charcoal Burner Hill), formerly Cikánský vrch (Gypsy Hill) became settled by gypsies in the late 17th century. Over time, they became a disaster for the entire region. They included Godoš and his dear-one Manda. On 25 May 1715, the camp of Gipsies became encircled by army. There was a shootout and 13 residents of the camp lost their lives. Manda was wounded. After several years, she succumbed to the injuries and Godoš moved into the Rhine Basin. Afterwards, he began to pay regular visits to her grave. When he grew old, he moved into the hermitage where he always spent the summer. One day he was found dead and was buried - according to his desire - next to Manda by the wall of St. Ulrich Church in Loučovice.
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